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Nicole Busshart

Risk Advisory Services Consultant | Freed Maxick
COVID-19 Recovery Guidance for Small Businesses: Getting Your Business Back to Normal (or a New Normal)
By Nicole Busshart on August 26, 2021

6 Recommendations to Help Your Small Business Recover from COVID-19 The COVID-19 Pandemic caused many small businesses to struggle or close, and has demonstrated the importance of having a...

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Business Continuity Plan vs. Disaster Recovery: Similarities and Differences
By Nicole Busshart on August 6, 2021

In an unpredictable world, many things can occur that were not planned, such as natural disasters, ransomware attacks, power outages, and many more. Many businesses have faced disasters or...

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How to Prevent Fraud in Your Business: Weathering the Deluge of COVID-19 Financial Fraud
By Nicole Busshart on July 16, 2021

COVID-19 has produced the perfect storm for financial crimes Rapid changes in the environment in which organizations operate, such as working from home, has created increased risk to their...

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Entity Level Controls: Five Issues Caused by Weak or Non-Existent Controls in Place
By Nicole Busshart on June 23, 2020

Entity Level Controls (ELCs) are “controls that operate pervasively across and throughout the organization to mitigate risks threatening the organization as a whole and to provide...

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