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Topic: International Tax

Got Intercompany Transactions? Transfer Pricing Under Increased Scrutiny
By Cara Rossi on January 24, 2017

Does your company have intercompany transactions? Do the transactions cross over multiple foreign local jurisdictions? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you may be at risk...

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Basics of U.S. Transfer Pricing for Non-U.S. Businesses
By Howard B. Epstein on February 25, 2016

If your company has a U.S. subsidiary, you will most likely have some transfer pricing considerations that need to be addressed. Transfer pricing can be one of the more complex tax issues...

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U.S. Business Reporting Requirements: Payments to Foreign Contractors or Individuals
By William Iannarelli on March 19, 2015

3 Questions that Define Reporting and Withholding Obligations Most U.S. businesses understand that payments to U.S. contractors trigger reporting obligations at the end of the year. Once...

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