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Topic: Business Advisory

Reduce Operating Costs: Five Tips That Can Boost Your Profit Margin
By Alexis S. Becker on January 26, 2022

The 5 operating costs that MAXIS® can help to trim It’s a near certainty that businesses of any size or scope would seek to reduce costs, if given the chance. And why not? Lowering...

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Business Analytics for Strategic Decisions: How to Make Choices That Propel Your Goals
By Alexis S. Becker on November 3, 2021

MAXIS® by Freed Maxick helps attain your best possible results Whether owning the business or running it, the success of the organization is dependent on the decisions you make. Regardless...

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Accounting Best Practices: Effective Accounting Makes for Better Business Outcomes
By Richard Mokan, CPA on October 20, 2021

Are you in the best position to succeed? When people ask me what I do for a living, I often have a hard time explaining. They grasp that I’m an accountant, but they have no idea what that...

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Introducing MAXIS: Better Decisions Make For Stronger Organizations
By Alexis S. Becker on September 21, 2021

Dealing with Disruption is the New Business Standard — Are You Keeping Up or Lagging Behind? If the last eighteen months have taught us anything, it’s that every business is vulnerable to...

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Doing Business Better Than Usual: A Business Continuity Planning Checklist
By Alexis S. Becker on September 21, 2021

How To Grow Post Pandemic Many small to mid-size companies struggle to achieve business continuity in disruptive economic times. So it was no surprise that the upheaval of the COVID...

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Data Governance Best Practices: The Impacts of Poor or No Data Governance
By Allie Bush on June 25, 2020

A major buzzword that is being discussed currently by most, if not all companies is data governance. Data governance is a comprehensive approach to the way an organization manages,...

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