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Freed Maxick Higher Education Team

Business Intelligence in Higher Education: Classroom Scheduling Optimization
By Freed Maxick Higher Education Team on March 29, 2022

The airline industry and higher education have something in common: providing a valuable service to its customer base by stewarding them through their own individual journeys. But there is...

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HEERF III Compliance: $36 Billion in Federal Higher Education Emergency Funds Now Available, but …

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III (HEERF III) Offers Relief for Public and Private Non-profit Institutions On May 11th, 2021, under the American Rescue Plan’s Higher Education...

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University Endowment Investment Strategy: Best Practices During COVID in 2021

Nine Tactics for Hanging on to Your Endowment The coronavirus has created a “perfect storm” of financial challenges across higher education – a witch’s brew of dealing with uncertainty in...

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